A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. Particles of Exception  أدوات الأستثناء ============================================

This category includes:

**إلاَّ ، عَدا ، حاشا ، سِوی ، خَلا**

A noun that follows any of the above has to be in the accusative case. Examples are:

a. with an intransitive verb:

**جاءَ الطلابُ إلاَّ خالِداً.**

The students came, except for Khalid.

b. with a transitive verb:

**زارَ الطلابُ المَتحَفَ إلاَّ خالداً**

The students visited the museum, except for Khalid.

However, if the verb is negated and the semantics of the sentence imply that the noun which followsإلاَّ is the one who performed the verb's act, then Arabic allows you to put that noun in the nominative case.

**لـَمْ يَذهَبِ الطلابُ إلی المَتحَفِ إلاَّ خالدٌ.**

The students did not go to the museum, except for Khalid.