A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Arabic Consonatial System ================================

The Arabic Consonatial System includes equal numbers of voiced versus voiceless, two nasals, three velarised, two lateral and one trill. Please note the following diagram:

**    Obstruents **      ** Sonorants (all voiced)**

Unvelarized            Velarized

Voiceless    voiced voiceless  voiced         nasal         lateral trill

labial           ب       م

labio-dental         ف

interdental**ث     **   ذ                 ظ

dento-alve.ر        ل             ن     ض     ص/ط     ز/د س/ت  ** palatalش** **           ** **ج        ** **         ** ** **

velarك **       **

uvular        **ق/خ     ** **        ** **غ        **

Pharyngal   ح ع

Laryngeal    هـ/ء **   **