A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

42.  کُلُّ

کُلُّ  is a noun that will be a first term of Idaafa and could mean "every/each" if it is followed by a singular indefinite noun. If the singular noun is definite, کُلُّ  would mean "all/whole". If it is used after a noun, then it should carry its corresponding pronoun suffix and its function becomes emphatic.

a. I read every book!    **قرأتُ کُلَّ کتابٍ.                      **

b. I read the whole book.    **قرأتُ کُلَّ الکتابِ.                    **

** c. I read the book, all of it.          قرأتُ الکتابَ کـُلـَّهُ                   **

However, if ** کـُلُّ is followed by a plural noun, that noun should be definite and both create Idaafa. Check the following sentences:**

**حضرَ کلُّ الموظفينَ**

All the employees (m) came.

**حضرَ کلُّ موظفي المکتبِ.**

All the office employees (m) came.