A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. Object Pronouns of Prepositions ===================================

The object pronouns for transitive verbs are the same for the intransitive verbs which take prepositions. An exception to this is the object pronoun for the first person,   أنا , which becomes**(** ي ) for some prepositions.

**ذهَبَتْ معي إلی السوق ِ.**

She went with me to the market.

Please remember that the object pronouns in such linguistic environment are attached to prepositions,not the verbs .

The list of verb and preposition object pronouns suffixes includes the following:

Object     Subject    Independent

  1. أنا            ـتُ           ـني / (ي)

  2. أنتَ          ـتَ          ـكَ

  3. إنتِ          ـتِ          ـكِ

  4. هو            -َ            ـهُ

  5. هي           ـتْ          ـها

  6. نحن          ـنا           ـنا

  7. أنتم           ـتُم          ـکُم

  8. أنتُنَّ          ـتُنَّ          ـکُنَّ

  9. هُم           ـوا           ـهُم

  10. هُنَّ        ـنَ            ـهُنَّ