A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Verbal Noun  المَصدَر  ==============================

The Verbal Noun  المَصدَر  is a noun that is derived from a verb. Therefore, it acts like a noun, as in the following examples:

a. a subject                 العَمَلُ في هذهِ الشرکةِ صَعبٌ.

b. an object                                         **اُحِبُّ القراءَةَ.  **

c. a first term of Idaafa      بِناءُ المَدارس ِ شيءٌ جَيِّدٌ.

d. a second term of Idaafe       **کِتابُ القراءَةِ جَديدٌ.  **

e. a predicate                              هوايَتي هي الطـَّبخُ.

A verbal noun derived from a transitive verb does sometimes act like that verb and would take an object.

**أعجَبَني تـَدريسُ الأستاذِ** العربيَّة َ **.**