A Hundred and One Rules in Arabic Grammar!

  1. The Emphasis  التوکيد =========================

The Emphasis  التوکيد with the use ofنـَفسُ ، بَعضُ ، کـُلُّ ** ** . Emphasis can be expressed by using any of the above particles after a noun, providing that an identical

personal pronoun be suffixed. The particle should carry the same case marker of the noun it refers to.

a. nominative

**حَضَرَ** المُعلـِّمُ نـَفسُهُ **.**

The teacher, himself, came.

b. accusative

**شاهَدتُ** المُدرِّساتِ کـُلـَّهُنَّ.

I saw the teachers (f), all of them.

c. genitive

**تـَحَدَّثتُ إلی** الطلابِ بَعضِهـِم.

I spoke to the students, some of them.