Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the Ẓarf ZAMĀN and Ẓarf MAKĀN

The Ẓarf Zamān is an Ism of time that is Manṣūb by implying or assuming the existence of (the preposition) في (“in”)[^72] , like:

اليومَ**              today/daytime (i.e. from dawn or sunrise till sunset)**

الليلةَ **                       ** tonight/nighttime (i.e. from sunset till dawn)

غدوةً             early morning (i.e. from dawn till sunrise)

بكرة              early in the day (i.e. from dawn or sunrise onwards)

سَحَراً                        late night (i.e. the last part of the night before dawn)

غداً               tomorrow

عتمةً            early night (i.e. the first third of the night)

صباحاً **                      ** morning (i.e. from midnight till midday)

مساءً             afternoon-evening (i.e. from midday to midnight)

أبداً               infinite future

أمداً              future

حيناً              time/anytime

and what is similar to that.

The Ẓarf Makān is an Ism of time that is Manṣūb by implying or assuming the existence of (the preposition) في (“in”), like:

أمام             in front/before

خلف **                       ** behind

قدّام              in front

وراء               behind

فوق              above/on top of

تحت             below/beneath

عند              at/with/by

مع                with/together with/in the company of

إزاء               opposite to

حذاء             near/close to

تلقاء             opposite to

ثـَمّ                there

هنا               here

and what is similar to that.