Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the Ḥāl

The Ḥāl is an Ism that is Manṣūb and specifies or clarifies what is vague as regards states or conditions[^73] , like when you say:

جاء زيدٌراكباً                           (Zayd cameriding )

ركبتُ الفرس مُسرَجاً                  (I rode the horsesaddled )

لقيتُ عبد اللهراكباً                   (I met ‘Abdullahwhilst riding )[^74]

and what is similar to that.

The Ḥāl does not occur except as an Ism Nakirah and does not occur except after the completion of the Kalām[^75] .

Its Ṣāḥib (subject of the state i.e. the one who is in the particular state) does not occur except as an Ism Ma‘rifah[^76] .