Al-muqaddimah Al-ajurrumiyyah [on the Science of Arabic Grammar]

The Chapter on the AF‘ĀL

The Af‘āl are three: Māḍi, Muḍāri‘ and the Amr, example:        ضَرَبَ - يَضْرِبُ - اِضْرِبْ

(Hehit - hehits /will hit -Hit !)[^34]

The Māḍi ends perpetually in a Fatḥah[^35] .

The Amr is perpetually Majzūm[^36] (i.e. it declined by means of a sign of Jazm).

The Muḍāri‘ is that which has at its beginning one of the four additional letters brought together in your statement: [^37] (ت،ي،ن،أ) أنيت   and it is perpetually Marfū‘ unless it is preceded by a Nāṣib (a particle causing Naṣb) or Jāzim (a word causing Jazm).

The Nawāṣib (the plural of Nāṣib) are ten[^38] , and they are:

أن[^39]                           (أريدأن أذْهَبَ إلى المسجد) (I wantto go the mosque)

لن **                           ** ( لن أتركَ الصلاة) (Iwill not abandon prayer)

إذنْ  {إذن تنجحَ (لمن يقول: سأجتهد)} {In that case you will seek (for someone who says: ‘I will work hard’)}

كي                          (خُلِقْنَاكَيْ نعبدَ اللهَ) (We were createdto worship Allah)

لام "كي" (the Lām of  "كيْ"  i.e. the Lām that conveys the meaning of causation)**           **

(أًسافر إلى مكةَ ل ـأطلبَ العلمَ النافعَ) (I travel to Makkahto seek beneficial knowledge)

لام الجحود (the Lām of Denial i.e. the Lām reinforces prior Negation)

**                              ** (لم يكن الله ل يغفرَ لهم) (Allah never intendedto forgive them)

حتّى                          (سأجتهدحتى أنجحَ) (I will work harduntil I succeed)

الجواب بالفاء (the complement of the Fā’[^40] )

(لا تكسلْف ترسبَ) (Do not be lazyand you will fail)

الجواب بـ"الواو" (the complement of the Wāw)

(لا تتكلمو تأكلّ الطعامَ) (Do not speakwhile eating)

أوْ[^41]                      (اُعْبُدِ اللهَأو تموتَ) (Worship Allahuntil you die)

The Jawāzim (the plural of Jāzim) are eighteen[^42] , and they are:

لمْ              (لم يلدْ ولم يولدْ) (He doesnot beget and He wasnot begotten)

لماّ              (لما أبدأْ بالمراجعة) (I havenot started with revisionyet )

ألمْ             (ألم نشرحْ لك صدرك) (Have Inot opened for you your chest?)

ألماّ             (ألما تقرأْ كل القرآن) (Have younot read the whole Qur’anyet )

لام الأمر والدعاء  (Lāmof Command and Supplication)

( ل ينفقْ ذو سعة من سعته) (Let every possessor of wealth spend of his wealth)

"لا" في النهي والدعاء  (Lā used in Prohibition and Supplication)

(ل ا تغضبْ) (Do not get angry)

إنْ             (إن تجتهدْ تنجحْ) (If you work hard you will succeed)

ما    (ما تفعلْ من خير تجدْه عند الله) (Whatever you do of good you will find it with Allah)

منْ            ( من يَرحَمْ يُرحَمْ) (Whosoever shows mercy will be shown mercy too)

مهما          (مهما تفعلْ تُسألْ عنه) (Whatever you do you will be asked about it)

إذما           (إذْما تذكرْ ربك يذكرْكَ) (If you remember you Lord He will remember you)

أيّ   (أيُّ عالمٍ يتكبرْ يُبغضْه اللهُ) (Any scholar who keeps himself haughty Allah hates him)

متى            (متى تحسدْ تهلكْ) (Whenever you are envious you will be destroyed)

أيّان  (أيانَ تستغفرْ ربك يغفرْ لك ذنوبك) (Whenever you ask your Lord’s Forgiveness He will forgive you your sins)

أين            (أينما تنزلْ تُكرَمْ) (Wherever you reside you will be honoured)

أنّى            (أنى تسكنْ يُكرِمْك الناس) (Wherever you live people will honour you)

حيثما                   (حيثما تعملْ يُكتَبْ عملُك) (Whatever you do then your deed will be recorded)

كيفما                   (كيفما تُعاملْ أخاك يُعاملْك) (However you treat your brother he will treat you)

إذَا (Iđā used in poetry specifically)

( استغنِ ما أغناك ربك بالغنى \*وإذا تُصِبْك خصاصة فتحمَّلِ )

(Seek wealth for as long as your Lord enriches you with wealth

Andwhen poverty strikes you then persevere)