Elementary Arabic Morphology 2

Divisions of Nouns

  1. What is a noun?

  2. What are the different types of nouns?

  3. What is a conjugational noun?

  4. How many types of conjugational nouns are there?

  5. What is an unnonated noun?

  6. How many unnonated nouns are there?

  7. What is an apolistic noun?

  8. What is a derived noun?

  9. What is a relative clause noun?

  10. How many types of relative clause nouns are there?

  11. How many types of apolistic adjectives are there?

  12. How many types of derived adjectives are there?

  13. How many types of derived generic nouns there?

  14. What is an adjective?

  15. How many types of adjectives are there?

  16. What adjectives are apolistic?

  17. How many adjectives are derived?

  18. A noun is a word that indicates a complete meaning that is not conditioned with time. For example: ورقه (paper) یوسف (Yusuf) ٳکرام(to call noble).

  19. A noun is conjugational, unnonated, apolistic or derived.

  20. A conjugational noun is a noun like the word مدینة (city) which could be put into the dual form مَدینتانِ (two cities), the plural form مُدنٌ (cities), the diminutive form مُدَینَةٌ (a small city) and the possessive form مَدَنيٌ (my city).

  21. There are two types of conjugational nouns: relative clause nouns and adjectives.

  22. An unnonated noun is a noun that stays in one state, it does not become dual, plural, and diminutive or possessive.

  23. There are six types of unnonated nouns: pronoun هو (he), demonstrative pronoun هذا (this), conjunct الذي (that), interrogative pronoun مَن (who), conditional noun مَهما (where), and an adverbal noun of time or place حَیثُ (when).

  24. An apolistic noun is a noun that is not derived from a verb. For example: رَجُل (man) and یوسف (Yusuf).

  25. A derived noun is a noun that is derived from a verb. For example: ٳکرامٌ(to call noble) is derived from the verb أکرَمَ(he called noble) and مَطبَخٌ (kitchen) is derived from the noun طَبَخَ (he cooked).

  26. A relative clause noun is a noun that can be described by another word. For example رجل (man), شخرة (tree) and ٳکرامٌ (to call noble).

  27. Relative clauses can either be derived or apolistic.

  28. There are two types of apolistic relative clause nouns: a proper noun - دمشق (Damascus) and an apolistic generic noun - ثعلب (fox).

  29. There are two types of derived relative clause nouns: an infinitive - بِناء (to build) and a derived generic noun - مَلعَب (playground).

  30. There are two types of derived generic nouns: an adverbial noun of time or place - مَجلِس (meeting) or an instrumental noun - مِفتاح (key).

  31. An adjective is a word related to a relative clause noun that describes its condition.

  32. There are two types of adjectives: derived and apolistic.

  33. Apolistic adjectives are possessive. For example: عَرَبيٌّ (Arabic)

  34. There are five kinds of derived adjectives: The actor form, the objective compliment, the exaggerated form, the adjective form, comparative/superlative form.