Elementary Arabic Morphology 2


  1. What are prepositions and are they declinable or indeclinable?

  2. How many jār prepositions are there?

  3. How many accusative prepositions are there?

  4. How many jussive prepositions are there?

  5. How many swearing prepositions are there?

  6. How many conjunctional prepositions are there?

  7. How many interrogative prepositions are there?

  8. How many responsive prepositions are there?

  9. How many negative prepositions are there?

  10. How many vocative prepositions are there?

  11. How many future prepositions are there?

  12. How many infinitive prepositions are there?

  13. How many conditional prepositions are there?

  14. How many corroborative prepositions are there?

  15. How many exceptive prepositions are there?

  16. All prepositions do not have a complete meaning unless they are accompanied with a noun or verb. All prepositions are indeclinable.

  17. There are nineteen jār prepositions: من ألی عَن عَلی في رُبَّ الکاف اللام الباء التاء الواو حتی مُذ مُنذُ خَلا عدا حاشا لَولا کَي

  18. There are four accusative prepositions: أن لَن إذَن کَي

  19. There are five jussive prepositions: إن لام الأمر لا الناهیة لَم لمَّا

  20. There are three swearing prepositions: الباء التاء الواو

  21. There are nine conjunctional prepositions: الواو الفاء ثُمَّ حتَّی أو أم لا بَل لکِن

  22. There are two interrogative prepositions: الهمزة هَل

  23. There are six responsive prepositions: نَعَم بَلی أجَل جَیر جَلَل إي

  24. There are seven negative prepositions: ما لا لاتَ لَم لَمَّا لَن إن

  25. There are seven vocative prepositions: أ یا آ أي أیا هیا وَا

  26. There are two future prepositions: السین سوف

  27. There are five infinitive prepositions: أن أنَّ کَي ما لَو

  28. There are two conditional prepositions: إن لَو

  29. There are five corroborative prepositions: إنّ أنَّ النون لام الابتداء قَد

  30. There are four exceptive prepositions: إلَّا خَلا عَدا حاشا