General Invitation

The Role of Faith and Fortitude

The secret of everyone's success lies in two things: Firstly faith in one's aim and secondly steadfastness and effort in the path of its attainment. Faith is the inner stimulant which perforce pushes man to his object and invites him day and night to attain his aim because he firmly believes that his welfare supremacy prosperity and good end are associated with it. And in view of the interest which man takes in himself whenever he develops faith and confidence the strength of his faith automatically directs and persuades him to overcome all difficulties and keeps him away from every doubt notwithstanding the fact that his prosperity may be dependent upon the attainment of a specific target. For example a sick man who knows that his remedy and welfare lies in taking a bitter medicine takes it easily and a diver who believes that there are precious gems beneath the tides of the sea throws himself into the mouth of the tides without any apprehension; and returns to surface after achieving his purpose.

However if the ailing person or the diver are doubtful about the achievement of their objects or do not at all believe in the usefulness of their job they either do not take any steps in that direction or even if they do they are faced with hardship and anguish. Hence it is the very strength of belief and faith which solves all difficulties.

Nevertheless there is no doubt about the fact that achievement of one's target is associated with difficulties and obstacles. It is therefore necessary for us to combat against those hurdles and to make necessary efforts in that behalf so that all the obstacles may be removed with our full might. It has been said since olden times that wherever there is a flower (a prized object) there is also a thorn (difficulty) with it. The flower should therefore be plucked in such a way that the thorn does not prick one's hands or feet.

The Holy Qur'an has mentioned this subject (that the secret of success lies in faith in one's aim and steadfastness in its attainment) in a short sentence and has said: "As for those who say: 'Our Lord is Allah ' and take the right path.........." (Surah al-Fussilat 41:30). (Viz. those who have faith in Allah and believe in a particular aim and then display steadfastness and fortitude will definitely achieve their object and are helped by the angels).


As a result of the special contacts of the Prophet before the 'general invitation' and his indefatigable efforts thereafter a selected and faithful team came into existence against the forces of infidelity and idolatry. The Muslims who had embraced Islam secretly before the 'general invitation' developed complete acquaintance with those who responded to the Prophet's call thereafter and the bells of danger rang in all the assemblies of infidelity and polytheism. No doubt it was quite easy for the strong and well-equipped Quraysh to crush a newly-born movement but the reason for their being afraid was that the members of the movement did not belong to only one family but persons belonging to various families had also embraced Islam. Hence it was not easy for Quraysh to take a decisive action.

After mutual consultations the chiefs of Quraysh decided to remove the very foundation of this faith and the founder of the new religion by different means. They proposed to achieve this purpose by approaching him sometimes with allurements and at other times by extending to him various promises and occasionally by using threats and torture. For ten years Quraysh behaved in this manner and eventually they decided to kill the Holy Prophet. In order to save him therefore Allah ordered him to quit Makkah.

During the aforesaid period the chief of the family of Bani Hashim was Abu Talib. He was a man who possessed a noble nature and a magnanimous spirit and his house was an asylum for the needy and the orphans. Besides being the chief of Makkah and possessing some offices with regard to the Holy Ka'bah he enjoyed a very high position in the Arab society and as he had been the guardian of the Prophet after the demise of Abdul Muttalib the other chiefs of Quraysh approached him in the form of a group [^2] and addressed him thus: "O Abu Talib!

Your nephew abuses our gods speaks ill of our religion laughs at our thoughts and beliefs and considers our forefathers misguided. Ask him to keep aloof from us or surrender him to us and refrain from supporting him".[^3]

The elder of Quraysh and the head of the family of Bani Hashim replied to them in a tactful manner and in a soft tone and consequently they abandoned their activities. However Islam was penetrating and expanding day after day and the spiritual rapture of the religion of the Prophet and the attractive and eloquent words of the Heavenly Book (the Qur'an) were lending support to it. The Prophet especially presented his religion before the people in the months in which fighting was prohibited when a large number of pilgrims gathered in Makkah. His eloquent and sweet speeches and his attractive beliefs impressed many persons. In the meantime the Pharoah of Makkah also realized that the Holy Prophet had gained popularity amongst all the tribes and had acquired many followers amongst the settled and unsettled Arab tribes. They therefore decided to approach the Prophet's only supporter (Abu Talib) once again and to make known to him the dangers to which the liberty of the Makkans and of their religion had become subjected owing to the propagation and expansion of Islam. Hence they once again approached him jointly and referring to their former demands spoke to him thus:

"O Abu Talib! You are superior to us in the matter of nobility and age. However we met you earlier and requested you to restrain your nephew from propagating the new religion but you did not pay any heed to our words. The position had now become unbearable for us. We cannot tolerate any longer that a person should abuse our gods and should consider us to be foolish and ignorant. It is necessary for you to restrain him from all these activities failing which we will fight against him as well as against you who are his supporter so that the duty of each group should become specific and one of them should be wiped out".

Abu Talib the distinguished supporter and defender of the Prophet realized through his sagacity and perfect wisdom that it was appropriate to show forbearance to the people whose entire dignity of existence was now open to danger. He therefore adopted a peaceful attitude and promised that he would convey the sentiments of the chiefs to his nephew. No doubt this reply was given primarily with the object of quenching the fire of their wrath so that an appropriate way of solving the difficulty could be adopted later. Hence after the departure of the chiefs he contacted his nephew and conveyed their message to him and incidentally in order to test his faith in his own object demanded a reply from him. However while replying the Holy Prophet uttered a sentence which is considered to be one of the outstanding and golden lines of history. Here is the text of his reply: "Dear uncle I swear by Allah that even if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand (i.e. even if they provide me with rule over the entire world) I shall not desist from propagating my religion and pursuing my object and shall continue my efforts until I overcome the difficulties and achieve my final goal or lay down my life for its sake".

Thereafter the Prophet's eyes were filled with tears on account of his love and enthusiasm for his object and he stood up and departed from his uncle's presence. His penetrating and attractive speech made such a wonderful impression on the chief of Makkah that notwithstanding all the dangers to which he was exposed he called back his nephew and said to him: "By Allah! I will not give up my support to you and you may very well pursue your object to its end". [^4]