Hussein the Saiviour of Islam

Husain the International Hero

TODAY WHEN THE leaders of every religion are revered only by their respective followers, the Holy Imam Husain is the International Hero who occupies a special position of love, honour, reverence and holiness in the hearts of the followers of all the religions in the world. People in every part of the world, without any dis- tinction of caste, creed, colour or nationality, love Husain and hold him in reverence, recognizing and hailing him as a Great Hero of Truth. Millions of educated men and women today with ample proof, believe that the Holy Soul of the King of Martyrs commend their prayers to be heard by God and thus draw great blessings from the All-Merciful Lord through the mediation of the Greatest of the Martyrs in His cause.

Husain, the King of Martyrs

HAVING GONE THROUGH the above very brief sketch of the terrible sufferings of the Holy Imam Husain along with his family and friends unequalled in the History of Mankind, and the great un- paralleled sacrifices he has offered in the way of God to save the Truth for the guidance of the human race as a whole with which the Holy Imam defied the might of the Devil's forces surrendering his all, any intelligent person will unhesitatingly declare the Holy Imam to be the KING OF MARTYRS.

Some people have, even wrongly gone to the extent of wor- shipping Husain as God Himself or His incarnation which is totally wrong. Today Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Jews and people of every religion love Husain paying him their sincere homage and revere him in their own ways. Those who believe in God and godliness take pride in naming their children after the Holy names of the House of the Holy Prophet, but none even tolerates his issues to be called by the cursed names of those who had tortured the Holy Family, although the great tyrants ruled empires in their respective times. Every justice loving soul today hates the Arch-Devil Yazid, son of Ma'aviah, deeming him the Devil incarnate.

Where is Yazid?

Thus THE HOLY Imam established the Truth and won an Ever- lasting Victory over Falsehood. He has not only proved Yazid, the Drunkard, the Debauchee, the Gambler to he one worse than a brute and a devil but has crushed falsehood for ever and placed the Truth in the highest pinnacle of prominence and regard, in its original purity. And now no evil hand can touch it till the end of the world. Yazid has earned the curse of God and of the whole of the God-loving humanity in this world and a permanent abode in hell for himself and his comrades for ever.

The Friends and Focs of the Truth, Clear Distinction

Now, TO KNOW who are the followers of the Truth, and who are the supporters of Falsehood, is very easy. All those who love Husain will naturally be found weeping, mourning, or at least feeling sorrowful for the calamities that befell the Holy Imam in establishing the Truth. Those who rejoice and make merry must naturally be the enemies of the Holy Imam, and the supporters of the cause of Falsehood of which the Devil Yazid was an embodiment.

The King of Martyrs Mourned

EvER SINCE THE massacre of the Holy Imam and his faithful devotees at Karbala, true Muslims during the month of Moharram express their grief and feelings for the sufferings of the Holy Imam, in their own ways according to the customs of their own countries.

Some enthusiasts among the people beat their breasts to say that they who do not care for their own selves and hurt their own bodies in love for the Holy Imam, in fighting against the forces of the Devil. During this .mourning period, the mourners men, women and children generally dress in black, and give up every kind of rejoicing. The mourning for the Holy Imam is observed through organised congregations called 'Majalis-e-Aza' or the Mourning Congregations.