Hussein the Saiviour of Islam

Remembrance of the Righteous Ones

REMEMBRANCE OF THE holy personalities for their righteousness has been ordained by God-See 38:48.

Every educated and awakened mind knows that the remem- brance of the godly ones by every possible means is remembring God Himself and such a remembrance is highly commendable, rather essential to keep the models of the various aspects of godli- ness always in view to be imitated or copied by one, for himself or herself to become godly. The object of the Holy ones having been sent into this World was only to set up the models necessary for the guidance of man, for man to copy them and thus get himself qualified and fit for the higher levels of the life of eternal bliss.

The secret is that the ill-informed or the misinformed critics have not at all understood the Most Exalted position of God. They do not know that God is too Great, too Exalted, too Just, too Gracious, too Merciful and too Excellent to be only on the watch to catch hold of every one and chastise him, judging merely the actions or the external appearances, irrespective of the intention or the real object latent in man. It is man who cannot probe into the secrets of the heart of another man, that accuses another man basing his accusation merely on his limited and defective knowledge of the outward appearances or the external outlooks. It must be remembered that man's actions are judged by God, the All-Knowing Lord, by his intention.

Let every Muslim remember the well-known declaration of the Holy Prophet:-

"An act is naught but with its intention and 'Verily the the actions are judged only by the intentions'.

'Seena-Zani' or the Breast-Beating

THE SHIA YOUNG, in mourning for the great Martyrs of the Holy Ahlul- Bait, particularly for the First Holy Imam Amecrul-Momineen Ali and the Holy Imam Husain, the King of Martyrs, beat their breasts, sometimes to the extent of bleeding themselves. Hurting of ones self is of course not allowed in Islam. Shia'ism the Islam- Original, knows it and recognises it fully and has no sanction against it. But when it is a matter for a godly cause, it contents itself with exhortations from the pulpit and the press, and if the uncontrolled emotion of any of its enthusiasts in his extreme love and devotion to the godly cause, helplessly gives expression to it in beating his breast, the law has to be considerate and tolerable in view of the intention of the action not being any defiance of the law, but the helplessness to the love for the godly ones who suffered the miseries, tortures and the most cruel death in the way of the Lord. In such cases, mere common sense will say that the All-Merciful Lord will not only tolerate the well intentioned excess but love the expression of the extreme devotion to His cause. Thus the breastbeating in mourning for the great martyrs in the way of the Lord, is not condemnable but tolerably commendable, for hurting of one's self is prohibited if that be for any worldly cause besides God's and when it is in the cause of the Lord Himself, the Shia Ulema do not spare exhorting the enthusiasts to control their emotions while expressing their love and devotion in this regard, and since the action does not affect any of the fundamentals of Islam and the intention is not to violate any law which rather in a way strengthens the bias for devotion to a godly cause, it is not stopped by force. Such a toleration is illustrated in the historic event popularly reported about the great devotee of the Holy Prophet Owais-e-Qurani, who, with his own hands pulled out his teeth and this action is praised by the Ulema from the pulpit while they speak of the love and devotion to the Holy Prophet. Why should the same and identical action by the Shias for the Ahlul-Bait be seriously considered and unsparingly criticised instead of issuing an similar to admiration the one given to Owais.

There is an apt example in the practical and every day life of man to know how far such actions are ingrained in the native endowments in man.

What is an Alam?

THE iS ALAM WRONGLY called, the 'Panja' in Southern India, is an cmblem or the copy of the Holy Banner of the Holy Imam. It is installed in the houses of the devotees of the Holy Imam and also in separate apartments called the 'Ashurkhanas' or the Imambadas and is respected and honoured as the standard of a king, loyal, respected and honoured by his faithful subjects. The Brute Yazid lowered the one standard of Truth which the Holy Imam held in Karbala but today God alone knows how many millions of such token standards of the Holy Imam are made and honoured in the world by his devotees.

It should be remembered that the Alam is not at all an idol it, any sense of tire word. It is never held either in the place of God or in the place of even the Holy Imam. It is only a copy of the Holy Standard of Truth carried by theHoly Imam when he fought against Falsehood The 'Alam' is held in high esteem and honour as stated above and it is never in any way worshipped. Worship in Islam is due only to God and not even to the Holy rophet who is next only to God in authority over his followers. About the Holy Imam Husain, Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti one of the great mystics of India has said:- "Husain is King, the King of Kings, He is Faith, Defence of Faith from him springs.

Beheaded though He never bowed to Yazeed By God, God's unity by him is established"

In which grave is his thone, and his crown where is it. 'O' Earth! show us where is the might ,of Yazid today. (Josh Malehahadi) Let Muslim remember the well-known declaration of the Holy Prophet :

"And act is naught but with its intention" and "Verily the actions are judged only by the intentions."

Take for instance, when a man dies, the nearest of his relatives particularly his own children, and even among his children, they who love him the most will naturally feel the separation from the departed soul, more than any body else. One of the sons may be violentin thc expression of his grief, hurting himself in an uncontrollable state of behaviour, while the other son may be quietly shedding tcars, and others who may also be sorrowful remains suppressing their grief. At the same time such of the relatives and selfish friends, who were only waiting for the death of the man, to have a share in the property left over by him, or to occupy the post or position which he may be vacating, will naturally feel happy though appear- ing quiet on the occasion. [he same is the case in regard to the degree of expression of the grief for the 'Ahlul-Bait' by the Shias, and the rejoicing made at their martyrdom by others. The fact is that those who are not sorry for the sufferings of the holy ones, seek an excuse for their hard hearted inimical attitude towards the family of the Holy Prophet, and take shelter under the guise of abiding by the law, and since they are not sorry for calamities in- flicted on the holy ones, they do not want others to express their sorrow for the holy victims, for it discloses the devilish character and conduct of the assassins whom they regard as their religious leaders.

Alam or the Emblem

'THE ALAM' WHICH is installed in the Imambadas, is another target of attacks from our ignorant friends who not knowing its actual significance and criticiseit as 'Bid' at i.e., an unwarranted innovation. Be it known to the critics that the Alam is only the Emblem of the Holy Standard of Islam of which, All the Ever Victorious Lion of God was the Bearer on behalf of the Holy Prophet, and which was held also by Abbas the lion hearted son of Ali the Lion of God on behalf of the Holy Imam Husain, the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, against the devilish forces of Yazid in Karbala, when the Yazidian power and authority wanted to destroy the original teachings of Islam. Since the devilish forces disrespected the Holy Standard of Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, every sincere muslim today, particularly those at- tached to the Holy Ahlul-Bait the Shias, instal an emblem of the Holy Standard and pay respect and regard to it, as they would have done, had they been with the Holy Imam in Karbala. Every lover of Islam and the Holy Prophet, would certainly like to do it with all the sincerity and devotion at his command, for as a Royal Banner represents the King and respect to Banner is respect to the King himself.

This tokcn or the emblem, the Alam, represents Islam and the Holy Prophet, respect for the Alam is respect to Islam, and respect to Islam is respect to the Holy Prophet himself. Before criticising the respect or regard for the Alam or the Zarees, i.e., the models of the shrines of the Holy Ahlul-Bait let the critics remember the vacant model of the Mahmd of Hazrat Ayesha the wife of the Holy Prophet, which until yesterday was brought in a Ceremonial way to Mecca every year on the occasion of Haj, attended by the Ulema walking solemnly along with it. Was Hazrat Ayesha actually sitting in it ? If any empty Mahmil without an occupant in it could be rcspccted and solemnly followed 1 by the Ulerna how could the cmblcm of the Standard of Ali Husain or Abbas or any of the Holy oncs of the Ahlul-Bait, become a 'Bid at' and the respect to it be deemed, objectionable.

Majlis-e-Aza or the Mourning Congregations

WHEN THE TYRANNES and the torturous death inflicted on the Holy Ahlul Bait, could not be denied, the other course adopted to hide the most disgraceful and most brutal and heinous deeds is to declare the Majlisc Aza or the mournlna congregation for the Martyrs of the Ahlul-Bait who are the authentic custodians of the Holy Qur'an and its teachings as 'Bid'at and 'Kufr'. The Majlis-e-Aza is the 'Sunnat-e-Zainabi', i.e. what was inaugurated in Damascus itself by Hazrate Zainab the sister of the Holy Imam Husain, the Great Martyr of Karbaia as soon as she was out of the prison in Damascus. And what the Shias do today is only In the footsteps of the Holy Sister of the King of Martyrs, Lady Zainab who was one of the members of the family of the Holy Prophet, the daughter of Ali and Fatema, one of the great sufferers at Karbala, Kufa and Damascus and who herself was martyred in the way of the Lord was buried in Damascus. This action of the Holy Lady Martyr Zainab has been rcgularised by the dccree of the Holy lmam thus it has become a prescribed duty of every true Muslim to carry out the godly command.

When the Majlise-Aza for the mourning of the Martyrs is criticised, what about the 'Meelaf' and the 'Gyarwin Sherif' cele- brated every year which had their origin only recently. Can any one prove from any historic record of accepted authenticity like Tabari etc., that any such celebrations were ever held in the ancient days even a century ago anywhere in the world? why then this innovation now ? And if such celebrations are com- mendable for the Holy Prophet or any other person held as Holy what objection can there be against a similar commemoration for the Holy Ones of the Ahlul-Bait? The objection can no doubt be if it is to stop the narration of the torturous sufferings inflicted on the holy ones, which automatically disclose as to who the devils of the tyrants were, who enacted the heartless massacres of the godly ones of the AhIul-Bait of the Holy Prophet.

The fundamental or the basic point underlying the mourning by the Shias for the great martyrs of the Holy Ahlul-Bait is, not merely for the death of those holy ones for, death is there for every one except God. The Shias know it fully well that those who die in the way of the Lord, are not dead but alive (2:154, 3:168). The great martyrs of the Holy Ahlul-Bait have reached the glorious heavenly destination of the life, of the highest eternal bliss exclusively reserved for them by their Lord. Any one, be he a Muslim or a non-Muslim, and a friend or even a foe, if he is only a human being and not a brute, will naturally feel for the miserable sufferings and the painful death of another human being, particularly when the sufferers are godly ones surrendering their selves for the Truth. Only those who are void of the basic human qualities of feelings, will remain effectless and unmoved under such circumstances.

The mourning by the Shias is mainly for the heartless and inhuman treatment inflicted on the Holy ones by those who, professing themselves to be Muslims, have caused such shameful and disgraceful blots on the pages of the history of the conduct and character of man on Earth, that it can never be erased and for which every member of the human family will certainly he unceasingly grieved, and will be ever cursing the brutes in the human forms until the end of the world.

The Majlis-e-Aza has also been declared 'Bid'at' i.e., an un- warranted innovation saying that mourning for the dead is forbid- den by Islam. The hollowness of this allegation against the natural act of expressing fellow feelings has already been dealt with above. Even granting for a while that mourning for the dead is forbidden, none can show any objection from Islam to the oppressed or the aggrieved protesting against the miseries inflicted on them. Thc Majlis-e-Aza is a congregational protest against the brutal atrocities inflicted on the godly members of the family of the Holy Prophet as a revenge against Islam itself. None will object to such protests excepting those responsible for the brutal actions or those who support the devilish conduct and character of those who are temperamentally identical with the brutes possessing the same devilish tendencies.

The actuating factor behind all this mischievous move to mislead the muslims and to create dissensions among them, is only Satan who, during the lifetime of the Holy Ones, instigated his disciples the tyrants, to inflict the most painful miseries and the torturous death on God's commissioned guides to humanity, and now the same Devil is busy beguiling the ignorant ones among the muslims by inspiring in their minds all sorts of doubts and false notions against the truth and those who have been successfully converted by Satan are employed by him as his missionaries spread- ing the falsehood.

By God's grace, all the awakened minds in the ranks of Islam be the Shias or Sunnis or of any other school of thought, are unanimous in paying the due regard and reverence to the Holy Ahlul- Bait, particularly in the matter of Husain all Muslims are united. Each one of the sincere lovers of Islam today is ready to surrender his all for the Holy Prophet and the Holy Ahlul-Bait, more particularly for Husain, the King of Martyrs. 'TAQLEED.' The only, the greatest and the best protection afforded in Shia'ism, against the continuous as well as the occasional raids by Satan and his disciple missionaries is the ordinance about 'Taqleed' (16:43) or to always abide by the 'A'lim' or the Most learned one, called the 'Mujtahid'. This course guides one always to the right or the correct way of the practice of the faith and pro- tects him from committing any excess and from shortcomings, and at the same time the individual from being exploited by the instigations of the satanic forces.

'Taqleed' has also been misinterpreted into the innovated institution of the 'Mureeds' blindly following the 'Pirs. Be it known that being guided by a Mujtahid in matters of doubt about the practice of the Faith, has nothing in common with it, and can never he compared to any such unwarranted blind following Taqleed is only being attached to any one of the greatest scholars who has reached the level of 'Ijtehad' (i.e., the ability to derive the required correct inference from the Holy Qur'an or the genuine traditions of the Holy Prophet) in matters of doubt about any articles of the practice of the Faith 'Furu-e-Deen.' Taqleed or any kind of following any one in the articles of faith i.e., 'Usool-e-Deen' is 'Haram' (i.e., prohibited). As every one of the adherents of the Faith cannot be expected to know all the minutesr details about the practice of the Faith, or be able to draw the correct in- ference about any doubts, from the Word of God, the Holy Qur'an, and the Hadith or the Sayings of the Holy Prophet, the divinely prescribed course to keep a muslim ahvays on the right course of his practical life, as well as to protect him from getting astray by the misgivings from the ill-informed or less-informed one is 'Taqleed' by which one chooses of his own independent discretion any one of the accredited scholars who in his considered opinion is the greatest one of the most learned and the most pious ones of the age, and is always guided by the directive of such a scholar in all matters of the individual's doubts regarding any matter of the practice of the Faith. By this course one is not oniy assured of the best possible guidance in the right course, by the highest intellect of the age hut also of the safety against his getting deluded by the unqualified, misqualified or purposeful misgivings by any one.

Since the practice of the Faith by any adherent, unbounded by this course of, 'Taqleed', it cannot doubtlessly be free from irregularities, hence it will naturally be unacceptable.

The question of following the highest authority in knowledge and piety, is only in the case of 'Fatawa' or the opinion of the Scholar about the law and not about the application of the law for which 'Ijtehad' is sufficient. The caution that Shia'ism, the Islam- Original, has sounded against the ruinous effects of unqualified ad- ministration of justice is worthy of note here for the information of the sincere adherents of Islam, i.e., the special importance Shta'ism attaches to Justice being meted out in the proper manner, and to the extraordinary care taken against any unqualified and defective administration of it. The following is the decree of the Sixth Holy Imam, Jafar ibne Muhammad the Regulator of the Shia faith:- None shall take this seat save a Prophet of God, the succes sor to the prophet or the evil one-

This declaration clearly warns any unqualified one without any authority from the Holy Prophet and the Holy Imam, who assumes the seat of 'Qazaiat' or (Justice) will be none but the evil one. Hence a 'Qazi' (a judge) can be none but a 'Mujtahid' who gets himself qualified under the declaration of the Imam re- ported above.

While condemning the yielding to the rule of 'Taghoot' i.e., an authority without the divine sanction, the Sixth Holy Imam afar-ibne Muhammad As-Sadiq said that 'instead of submitting to such tyrant seek the greatest of the scholars among you,Who has learnt our traditions and gained deep insight into our sanctions and rohibitions and who knows our rulings well and accept him as your Judge (i.e. Qazi) and your Ruler, as I have appointed him to rule over you. And if he gives a ruling and if it is not accepted by any one, it will be the contempt of God's Sovereignty which is almost 'Shirk' i.e., the recognition of an authority beside God's.

The definition and the requirements of 'Ijtehad' and 'Taqleed' given below, are those that have been prescribed by the 'Masoom' i-e.,the Twelfth Holy Imam, as ordained by the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnat as a part and parcel of the whole system of the Divine Sovereignty and the Absolute Theocracy which is implemented in the very term 'Islam' which means acceptance of the Absolute Sovereignty of God and complete submission to His will. It is on this basis that the institution of apostleship is established. God communicates His will to mankind through the chain of the apostles, which was consummated in the apostleship of the Holy Prophet of Islam through whom was presented the Final Word of God in the form of the Holy Qur'an, and his own apostolic sayings. And in the continuation of that sovereignty and the institution of apostleship, the Holy Prophet declared Ali and the Eleven Imams in his descent, as the authority joined with the Holy Qur'an representing his as well as God's will.

When the period of the codification and the consolidation of the 'Kitab' and 'Sunnat' was completed, the ago of the Imamat for that legislative purpose came to its conclusion. Hence the seclusion of the Twelfth Imam was effected though his hidden existence continues as a necessity, as a medium factor between God and His Creatures, in the process of the Creative adminis- tration of the universe. The Imams declared the institution of 'Ijtehad' as given below, as the sole directive authority on their behalf, in leading mankind on the right path of submission to the sovereignty and the will of God, in all the practical aspects of the covenant which the 'Kitab' and the 'Sunnat' had already dealt with. In short, 'Ijtehad' and 'Taqleed' are the supplementary insti- tutions to 'Imamat' which in turn is supplementary to 'Risalat' (Apostleship) which as a whole is the manifestation of the Divine Sovereignty. There is no room left for any individual view or choice except that the door is left open for every human being irrespective of any racial or geographical bias or restriction, to qualify one's self in knowledge and piety to the level of 'Ijtehad.' The decree of the Holy Imam about the institution of 'Ijtehad' is as follows:-

"Amma Hawadisal Waqi' aat, Fartjeoo ila ruwate Ahadeesena, fa innahom hujjati alaikum wa ana Hujjatullah. 'In all the events of life, refer ye to those who bear our traditions, they are the authority over you on my behalf, and I am the authority on behalf of God.' The Decree of the Holy Imam THE ABOVE DECREE of the the Masoom (i.e., the Sixth Holy Imam) in this respect which is about 'Ijtehad,' is not the only tradition but there are many undisputed traditions also of the other Imams establishing the institution of 'Ijtehad' prescribing the minutest details of its functioning, only a very brief outline of which is given below:- Of the many declarations of the other Imams in this respect, two of them are the most outstanding. One from Hazrate- Imam Jafar As-Sadiq,known as the 'Maqool-el-Omar bin Hanzala' (the tradition of Omar ibne-Hanzala) and the other is from the Eleventh Holy Imam, Husan Al-Askari.

The Definition of 'Ijtehad'

'IJTEHAD' LITERALLY MEANS an all out effort to interpret and ex- plain explicitly the divine orders, rules and regulations from the denotations, the connotations and the implications contained in the Holy Qur'an and the authentic sayings of the Holy Prophet and the apostolic Imams. 'Ijtehad' does not mean the use of one's discretion in the findings, parallel to the Qur'an or the Sunnat, but it means the use of one's discretion and sound reasoning in understanding the contents of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnat. Any one who has the capacity of understanding the details of the Divine Laws, Rules and Regulations from the Qur'an and the Sunnat of a 'Masoom' as given above, is a 'Mujtahid' provided he is of outstanding learning, knowledge and piety.

Any one short of that standard of knowledge and piety be he a good scholar in certain branches of the Islamic literature, is termed as a layman in regard to the field of religion. A man who has not reached the stage to take decisions in every detailed point of the Laws of Islam, on the authority of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnat, is a layman, and he has to follow a person who has definitely reached that stan- dard, and whoever has reached that standard has to follow his own decision, and it is forbidden for him to follow any one else.

In case there are several men of equal standard, and they differ in their decision, the layman has the choice to follow any one of them and in case the 'Mujtahids' differ in the degree of their ac- complishments the best among them is to be followed. In case one is better in knowledge and the other inpiety, the latter is to be followed.

As to how to find the best one among the 'Mujtahids' the layman should refer to the evidence ofthe competent pious scholars of Islamic Theology who have no claim to 'Aalamiat' or to the evi- dence of the 'Mujtahids' of the approximate standing about the best next to them.By the collection of all these evidences, one can easily consider for himself as to who is the best. This is the best method followed throughout the history of the 'Niabat' of the Imam after the 'Ghaibat.'

There is no room for any election or the counting of votes of any class or group to appoint one as the ecclesiastical head as used in the Papal system of Christianity, nor is it the 'Peeri' and the 'Mureedi' practised in the mystic system which is an unwarranted innovation among the Muslims, carried as a counter section or parallel to the institution of Imamat. Be it known that the quali- fications for 'Ijtehad' are known, recognised and measurable and the qualifications for a 'Peeri' is only fanciful heresy blindly accepted and neither fixed nor measurable.

It is to be noted that the question of following the opinion of the best in knowledge and piety is confined to such questions where the 'Mujtahids' differ, and the question of following any'Mujtahid' does not arise in matters unanimously accepted by all 'Mujtahids.' It is to be noted that for the administration of the theological centres and the other religious and ecclesiastical services, any pious' Mujtahid' is competent for the undertaking, and if any pious 'Mujtahid' offers himself to shoulder the task the other 'Mujtahid' should not stand in his way, on the other hand he must help him.