Hussein the Saiviour of Islam

Fatima Married To Ali

A DIVINE LADY like F aterna Could not have bceii the wife of any ordinary man, and more particu1arIy when she was destined to provide the Divine Plan with the godly characters suitable to be the Universal Guides to mankind as a whole. Providence had already arranged for the alliance of this holy One with another one of the same lineage.

"If Ali was not horn, Fatema had none of her set (to maryr with)" said the Holy Prophet.The Holy Prophet Muhammad was ordained by God to effect the alliance between his dauW-iter Fatemna and his Vicegercnt Au, so that through this Holy alliance, may Continue to flow the .Divine Light in their issues who had been destined to be the Eleven of the Twelve Princes promised in the seed of Jsbmael (Cien. 17:20). While the Holy Prophet muham- mad was 'The Prophet' prophesied by Moses, the 'Confurter', the 'Holy Ghost' and the 'Spirit of Truth', prophesied by Jesus, Ali alona with his Eleven issues was to fulfil the advent of the Twelve Princes promised in the seed of Ishmae]. Thus Fatema was married to Ali and through the Holy Alliance of these two divines, came into the World, Flasan the secoiid holy Imam and Husain the third holy Imam to be the King of Martyrs to offer the 'Zibhe Azeem' or tne Great Sacrtfice willed by God, instead of the sacrifice of Ishmael by Abraham (37:105-108).

" And we called out to him saying 'o' Abraham! 'Thou hust indeed proved true the dream ; Verily, thus do we reward the righteous. Verily, this is an open trial; And We have substituted ii with 'Zibhe Azeem' a Great Sacrifice'!" 37:104-108

Husain's Father

ALI WAs THm Vicegerent of the Holy Prophet and the Divinely Commissioned First Imam who repeatedly rescued the Holy Prophet Muhammad from being killed, and saved Islam from being totally annihilated once for all. He rescued Islam and the Muslims, not once but many a time, which fact is boldly and loudly declared by Islamic History. For his matchless faith, un- paraileled valour, wonderful prowess, the divinely gifted knowledge and other unique godly qualities, All had earned the following epithets which were exclusively owned by him and by none else before or after him:

  1. Al-Murtaza-The chosen one of God.
  2. Ameerul-Mornineen - The Commander of the Faithful.
  3. ImamuI-Muttaqeen - The Guide of the Pious.
  4. Mazharul Ajaib - The Manifcstor of Wonders.
  5. Madeenatul ilm - The Gateway of the City of Know- ledge.
  6. Saiyyidul Ausiya - The Chief of the Deputies (of Muhammad the Apostle of God).
  7. lmamul Auliya - The Guide of the Saints.
  8. Asadullahul-Ghaleb - The Ever Triumphant Lion of God.
  9. Lisaanullah - The Tongue of God.
  10. Yadullah - The Hand of God.
  11. Wajhullah - The Face of God.
  12. Nafse-Rasulullah - Thc Soul of the Apostle of God.
  13. Valiullah - The Friend of God. i4. Siddeequl-Akbar The Greatest Truthful.
  14. Farooqul-Aazam Thc Greatest Distinguisher (bet- ween the truth and the falsehood).
  15. Abu-Turab- The Father of the Earth.
  16. Faateh-e-Khaiber - The Conqueror of Khaiber.
  17. Abul Aimma - The Father of the Holy Imams.
  18. Akhu Rasulullah - The Brother of the Apostle of God.
  19. Abul Eetam - The Father of orphans and the helpless. (Vide Tabari, Ibne-Athir, AbuI-Fida, Amir Ali, etc.).

Husain's advent dreamt by Lady Ommul Fadhl

A FEW DAYS before the birth of Husain, Lady Ommul Fadhl, the wife of Abbas Ibne Abdul Muttalib dreamt that a bit of flesh flew from the body of the Holy Prophet and fell in her lap. When referred to, the Holy Prophet interpreted the dream telling the Lady Ommul Fadhi that: " A scm will be born to my daughter Faterna and the Baby will be given to thee for nursing." According to ibne Shar Aashooh, immediately after the birth of Husain, Faterna got indisposed and the Baby was given in the charge of Lady Ommul Fadhl for nursing.

Husain arrives on Earth

WITH THE LACK of the correct knowledge about the absolute inde- pendence of the All-Supreme authority and the dominance of the All- Pervading will of the Omnipotent Creator Lord of the Universe, and His being the Author, the Sole Controller and the Independent Regulator of the laws of nature, man had begun to believe as God also being subject to the laws instead of the laws being subservient to their Omnipotent Author.

Many evcnts of guidance to man, about the independent working of the Omnipotent Will of God, were demonstrated in the birth of many holy ones,particularly in the advent of some of the prophets of God and the holy members of the House of the Holy Prophet the (Ahlul-Bait).

1.Yahya - (John son of Zakariah was given a birth in six months in the inconceivable advanced age of his parents. 2.Jesus - was sent into the world in six months without the agency of a male partner to his mother and talked while still a baby in the cradle.

3.Mtthamrnad - (the Last Apostle of God) was born with signs supernatural, announcing his advent duly circum- cised, with a body not castina its shadow on earth.

4.Ali - the Vicegerent of Muhammad the Last Apostle of God - born duly circumcised : A miraculous entrance was divinely caused into the Holy Ka ba for the confine- ment of his holy mother. He could be present at more than one place at one and the same time. His godly strength amazed tile world as his exclusive miracles and many other super - natural powers with mystic signs and miraculous events, which facts are unbelievable today by the materialists, but they are authentic.

  1. Fatema- The Lady of Light- was heard glorifying God, in her pregenetal state.

  2. Hasan- son of Ali and Fatema- was born duly circumci- sed with extraordinary cleanliness of birth without the natural signs which ordinarily accompany the conception and the delivery of a human child.

  3. Husain- was given a clean birth duly circumcised as that of his brother Hasan, and was born like Yahya (John) and Jesus, in six months.

The miraculous birth of Jesus without a male partner to his mother the Virgin Mary, was nothing but to prove to the people of the age and to inform mankind as a whole that the laws of nature as understood by man with his conceptual limitations, do not bind the Omnipotent Lord who is Himself the Originator of nature and the Independent Reulator of its laws 36:82, 2:113, 16:40, 19:35, 40:68. His command when He intends anything to say it to BE and there it IS.

Much has been made of Jesus birth without a father, by the christian church, inspite of its very Holy Book the Bible saying that Jesus said:-

"I say unto you that God is able of these stones to raise children unto Abraham." Luke 3:8

When God can raise human children from stones, where is the reason to call any child as the son of God; if it was brought forth from a human being (Mary) a woman who by nature was a child - bearer. Our christian brethren hail Jesus as the Son of God, while Jesus himself calls himself a son of man. (Luke.7 :34)

And if Jesus had ever called himself as son of God, he had called Adam also the son of God (Luke 3:38). The term son will mean the chosen servant of God, and not an issue of God.

About the independent execution of the Omnipotent Creative Will of God, the Holy Qur'an says:-

"He (God) Createth whatsoever He willeth". 42:49 Qur'an further asserts that God Creates whatever He Wills, which mankind does not know. "He (God), Createth what ye know not." 16:8

There are many such assertions in the Holy Qur'an referring to the various aspects of the independent execution of the divine will.

On Thursday the 3rd of Shaban in the fourth year of Hijrat i.e., the Migration of the Holy Prophet from Mecca to Madina, Husain arrived on earth, with super natural signs which have usually accompanied the birth of some chosen ones of God. Jesus, as a Jew, through his mother Mary, in the lineage of Isaac son of Abraham, according to the covenant of God (Gen. 17:23, 21:40) was circum- cised on the 8th day of his birth (Luke 2:21) whereas every male member of the Holy Ahlul-Bait (The Holy Prophet and the Twelve Imams) in the lineage of Ishmael the first son of Abraham, was born duly circumcised, i.e., with the Abrahamie covenant already fulfilled even in the very native formation of their holy bodies.

When Hasan the first son of Ali and Faterna, was born, the Holy Prophet was out of Madina, on a defensive expedition, and had left word that if a child is born to his daughter in his absence, the baby be not fed with anvth ing until his return, but since his return the Holy Prophet said it is oniy the will of the Lord that is done. Just before the birth of Husain also the Holy Prophet was to leave Madina but this time he desired that whatever time it takes for his return, until then the baby should not be fed. When Husain was born the Holy Prophet came to Fatema and takina the baby (Husain) In his lap, mysteriously placed his tongue in the mouth of the Baby, and theflahv began sucking it and thus the Holy Child was first fed by the Saliva of the Apostle of God, as the first sustenance of his holy body in this world.

After giving the Holy Baby the first feeding by his Saliva, the Holy Prophet said :-

" Husainun minni wa and minal Husain."

Husain is of me and I am of Husain."

Husain's Martyrdom Prophesied

WHEN HUSAIN WAS born Gabriel the Messenger Anacl appeared before the Holy Prophet and after paying his respects to the Apostle of God, said:-

"0" the Most beloved one of God; The Alnighty Lord presents his blessings and felicitations to thee, and wills that thou shouldst felicitate Ali and Fatema On the birth of the baby, and the baby be named Husain, for he is known in heavens with this name."

Sating this the Angel stopped with some symptoms of concern. The Holy Prophet said :-

"Brother Gabriel, if this he a felicitation to us what is the other matter of any serious concern ?" The Angel continued saying:-

"0" Prophet of God, it is for the newly born son of Lady Fatema, for lie will suffer innumerable difficulties, miseries, tortures, wounds and pains of bitterest nature. He will at last he martyred with all his faithful supporters in a desert called Karbala on the banks of the Euphrates in lraq, it will be a time when Islam will be in a crisis and the existence of this revealed religion for Mankind will rest upon the sacrifices of Husain, your grandson.

Hearing this the Holy Prophet naturally felt sorrowful. It can easily be imagined by the reader how Lady Fatema, the mother of Husain, would have felt when she heard of the calamities to befall the dear one just arrived in her lap.

Immediately after the birth of Husain, Fatema was indisposed and the Holy Baby was given to Lady Ommul Fadhl for nursing and for forty days consecutively the Apostle of God used to place his holy finger in the mouth of the innocent and thus the Holy Baby was sustained for forty days without any thing else, even the mother's milk. It is inferred by great divines that it was the pre- determined Divine Process to condition the Holy Child with the divinity endowed in the apostolic physic of its Holy Grandfather the Chief and the Last of the apostles of God for Husain had to play an apostolic role on behalf of his Grandfather to save the Truth, Islam.

Husain a Duplicate Muhammad

HIST0RlANS REPORT THAT besides the native endowments identical with those of the Holy Prophet, the outward appearancb (i.e., the physical features) of Husain was a moving picture of his Grandfather the Holy Prophet.

Ibne Katheer says " I never saw a more beau qful man than Husain" and according to Anas " there was none other resembling the holy Prophet more than Husain."

The function of heredity had its full play in Husain. He had inherited all the divine native endo~vments from his Grandfather the Holy Prophet, and his godly parents Au and Fatema.

" Warna flu aaba to nt 1bul anbiya "

"i.e., Whatever is in their parentage, inherit the apostles. "

Heaven's Regard for Hasan and Husain

ONCE WHEN HASAN and Husain were young children, on the eve of a festival, came both the innocents to their holy mother Lady Faterna and said "Mother dear! Tomorrow is 1,efestival, where are our new dresses for the festival day?" What was there in the holy house of the godly family the inmates of which often starved, for Fatema to provide her dear ones with any ne~v garments when her own covering mantle was full of patches with the date leaves. With Fidak confiscated by the Kalifate, the daily life of the Ahlul Bait was rendered further more miscrable. The hoW lady who always depended upon the Al- merciful Lord, said:-

" My darlings,if the tailor brings them, ye will hat e them tomorrow."

At night when the two innocents had gone to bed, Fatema was on her prayer-mat, supplicating to the Lord saying:-

" Lord! Fatema Thy subscn ient one depending upon Thy usual grace and mercy on her, has promised new clothes to her innocents who are Thine OWn!. My Lord! If they get the new clothes they will he happy and Thou wilt Thyself be pleased on their rejoicing Lord ! let not The word ofThy Fatemafail and let not Thy Hasan and Husaita he sorrowful on the festitval tomorrow."

Imad Zadeh in his famous work says:-

" Early at dawn, the Holy Innocents awoke and the first thing they asked their mother was about the dresses promised to them. Fatcma could have given only some excuse but a voice at the door was heard saving:-" 0' AhIul Bait of the Holy Prophet- here are the dresses offlasan and Husain." Fatema received the dresses and offered her thanksgiving prayer to the Lord for the ready response to her supplication. Allama Majlisi relates from Omme Salema the righteous wife of the Holy Prophet that she said:-

"I saw Hasan and Husain with the Holy Prophet in such new clothes which I had never seen before and asked wherfrom the woonderfully beautifull clothes of his grandsons had come; in reply the Holy Prophet said- ' They are the heavenly garments received for them'?" (ZH) Imad Zadeh.

Once Fatema was asleep and the Holy Baby (Husain) in the cradle awoke and cried, the cradle automatically began swinging, when Fatema awoke she saw the cradle moving and some one talking to the Baby and flOflC seen nearby. She referred the matter to the Holy Prophet who said that it was the Arch Angel Gabriel who was serving the holy child.

(Muntahal Aamaal, Shaikh Abbas-e-Khummi) The above references are only two of the many instances of the shower of heavenly favours on this Holy Family.

The Holy Prophet's Personal Regard for Husain

HISTORIANS SAY THAT once on the morning of a festival day, while going to the Id Prayer (Festival congregational Prayer) in Madina, the whole public of the town saw the Holy Prophet carrying Hasan and Husain on his shoulders, bare-headed with the tassels of his head, divided into two parts, each held by each of the innocents, as the reins of a camel in their tiny hands, and the Holy Prophet running towards the 'Idgah' , imitating a camel. The public was amazed at this mysterious behaviour on the part of the Apostle of God and a man seeing this, addressed the holy children saying: ' How excellent a ride ye have.' The Holy Prophet turning to the man said: " Why doth thou not say, how excellent 11w Riders are?" On many other instances, Hasan and Husatn were found on the shoulders of the Holy Prophet. (F.M., ST., YM.)

It is reported that once when the Holy Prophet was on the pulpit in the Mosque in Madina, giving a sermon when Husain who was yet a baby, entered the Mosque and proceeded towards his grandfather, and his garment got twisted in his feet, the Holy Prophet stopped the sermon and rushed from the pulpit to the holy baby lest it might fall.

It is also one of the universally acknowledged events of the life history of the Holy Prophet that once when he was prostrating in prayer in the Mosque, Baby Husain came and getting over the back of his Grandfather the Holy Prophet, sat on it. The Holy Prophet repeated the prayer-phrase "Subhaana - Rabbiyal- a'la wa behamdeh' seventy times in the state of prostration instead of the only three prescribed repetitions, until Husain himself, of his own accord, got down from his back and then he raised his head from the prostration.

Shaibani reports from Abdullah ibne Shaddad that his father related that he was in prayer in the ranks behind the Holy Prophet and when he found that the duration of the prostration was unusually long, he raised his head several times and secing the Hoiy Prophet still in prostration, resumed the prostration, and after the conclusion of the prayer, he asked the cause of the unusual in - terval between the two prostrations. The Holy Prophet replied that he had to do it until Husain got down from his back of his own accord, the Apostle of God acteth not but at the Revealed wi1l of the Lord.

(Tafseerul Osool-ila Jama-e-Osool e-Shaibani)

Historians have reported numerous other similar intances of mysterious behaviour on the part of the Holy Prophet, with regard to Husain in particular:

Once, the Holy Prophet was with his baby grandson, Husain and his baby son Ibrahim. The Messenger Angel appeared and said: "0' Apostle of God! It is the Will of the Lord thou shalt have any one of them, either Husain or Ibrahim and not both, whichever thou desirest, will be taken away from thee-"

The Holy Prophet said : " Let Ibrahim be taken away and Husain be spared. I need him for the preservation of Islam." Thus Ibrahim was taken away (died).

(Almustaqsi- from Habibus Siyar)

The Declaration of the Holy Prophet about Husain SALMAN-E FARSI SAYS ' I saw, one day, Husain seated beside his Grandfather the Holy Prophet, who was addressing Husain saying:- " Thou art a Syed (Chief), son of a Syed, and the fathter of the Syeds. Thou art an Imam, (Heavenly guide), son of an Imam, the father of Imams. Thou art a Hujjat and the father of nine Hujjats in thy seed and the ninth will be the 'Oayam' of them (the standing, i.e., the ever current authority).

Said the Eighth Holy Imam Ali ibne Musa Ar-Riza, that the Holy Prophet said :-

" Let him who wants to see the most loved one of the people of the earth, and in heaven, see Husain."

Shaikh-e-Sadooq reports from Huzaif-e-Yamani who said:- " I saw the Holy Prophet holding the hand of Husain and saying '0' people! Know ye, this Husain son of Ali and Fatema, know him, ye all, that by the One (God) in Whose hands is my soul, that he (Husain) is of heaven, his friends will be the inmates of heaven."

The following is the famous sayings of the Holy Prophet:- Hasan and Husain are the Two youths of Paradise; Hasan and Husain are Imams, (divinely commissioned guides) standing or sitting (i.e., in any circumstances, being accepted by the people or not). These are only one or two of the innumerable other sayings of the Holy Prophet, particularly about the unique heavenly position and the status of Husain.

While judging the words and the action of the Holy Prophet, one must remember the following verse of the Holy Qu'ran " And he (the Holy Prophet) speaketh nothing of his desire save, it is the re- velation revealed (to him)." 55:3, 4 It is quite obvious that all this was the Divine Plan to demons- trate to mankind, the actual unique position of the issues of All and Fatema, particularly the holy status of Husain, lest thereafter, none who misbehaves with these holy ones, gets the excuse to say that he did not know as to who actually they were.

The instances of the open acts of the heavenly regard for the 'Ahlul-Bait' , demonstrating their unique divine position, are so many that volumes will be needed to enumerate them all. These few brief references will do, to bring home to any sincere one, the idea about the unique excellence and the greatness of the holy souls and the degree of the divinity endowed in them.