Method of Salat: Along With Pictures


If we can not find water, or there is very little time left to perform Wudhu, or we arc sick and can not use water, then instead of Wudhu, we must perform Tayammum. This is done on those things that we are allowed to use for it, such as dirt or a rock.

In Tayammum, there are four things that are compulsory:

  1. Intention (Niyyat)

  2. The palms of both the hands must be struck on that thing which we are allowed to perform Tayammum on

  1. The palms of both hands must be rubbed on the forehead, and in both directions where the hair of the head grows until the bottom of the eyebrows and the tip of the nose.

  1. The palm of the left hand must be rubbed on the back of the right hand; and the palm of the right hand must be rubbed on the back of the left hand.