Stories of Bohlool

Bahlool and a Slave who was Scared of the Sea

A Baghdadi merchant was sitting in a ship with his slave, and they were going to Basra. Bahlool and some others were also in this ship. The slave started crying because he was afraid of the ship's turbulent movements. All the travelers became annoyed at this. Bahlool asked the slave's master permission to quiet him by some advice. The merchant agreed. Bahlool immediately gave the order to throw the slave into the sea. His command was carried out. When the slave was near death, he was rescued. After that experience, the slave quietly sat in a corner of the ship.

The travelers asked Bahlool the reason why this act quieted the slave. Bahlool replied, “This slave didn't know how comfortable this ship was or what greatness and value it held. When he was thrown into the sea, he understood that this ship is a comfortable and relieving place.”