The Principal Signposts of the Islamic Message

The Contents of the Islamic Message


By studying the Islamic message and analyzing the intrinsic structure of this religion, we come to realize that the questions which Islam deals with - these issues cover all of man's needs - Can be divided into three major categories:

ideology, legislation and, social morals and conduct.


It comprises the collection of the ideas and concepts which explain the appearance of the world and the meaning of life. This ideology works as the basis of a starting point for the construction of all the aspects of this great religion.

The Islamic belief centres on monotheism Tawheed, that is. believing in the One and only Creator, to Whom are ascribed all the attributes of Absolute Richness and Perfection. Guided by this belief, a Muslim draws a plan for thought and action, and defines his relation with the Creator to Whom are ascribed the traits of Absolute Perfection, Knowledge and Power, and Who fashioned the universe out of nought.

The Islamic doctrine is based on three important factors:

  1. Belief in Allah, the Almighty Who is Just, and never does He leave a people in darkness. Injustice is not one of His traits, and the meeting out of reward and punishment is based on Justice.

2.Belief in Revelation, Prophethood and what is connected to them, such as the message and the Imamah (divinely ordained leadership): follows next.

  1. The last but not least is the belief in life of the hereafter, resurrection, judgement day, reward and punishment.


The second subject which the Islamic message came to treat and organize is law and order. i.e. to show man the correct path in all aspects of life, both social and convictional. In the social field, Islamic legislation manages the affairs of adjudication. economy, finance, trade, ownership, inheritance, marriage, divorce, relations in the workplace, civil service, war and peace, contractual agreements, etc.

As regards organizing the religion's devotional affairs. such as praying, fasting, pilgrimage, purification. etc.. the Islamic legislation defines the necessary rules and regulations required to show the lines of man's relations with Allah the Exalted, and of the method of worship.

The books of jurisprudence and Islamic legal and legislative wnttings are full of the most mature type of legislation and the widest systematic way of organizing life, reflecting the spirit and the goals of Islam, and explaining the dynamics and dimensions of Islamic legislation in its dealings.


Humanity has never heard a message that attaches such great importance to social morals, conduct and education as that of the Islamic code. Islam regards morality as one of the most essential characteristics of man. and the truest yardstick for distinguishing humanity from bestiality. The Messenger of mankind says:

"I have been sent to complete the best of morals."

So. Lslam's message is an ethical one, and its keen interest in building individuals morally is connected to its general educational method for nurturing the righteous personalitv and building a virtuous society.

Thus, Islam concentrates on building the personality from within, and concentrates on developing moral inclinations. and strengthening morality and consciousness in the individual, which ultimately benefits society as a whole.

Through this vast, encompassing of all aspects of human life-ideology, legislation, morals. manners, principles of social relations and educational directives - Islam becomes a general way of life, and a message comprehensive of all human activity, quite distinct from other religions and social and political systems.