The Role of Aishah in the History of Islam (volume 1)

A'ishah in the Prophet's House

Woe upon her ('A'ishah)! She is capable of every deed!

Uttered by the Prophet Jealousy and Ardor We have said that 'A'ishah was an ambitious and hot-tempered woman who was jealous of her husband's heart, and did not wish to see anyone win his affection.40 An example of her intense jealousy and ardor can be seen in her conjugal life especially when the Prophet married another woman.

She speaks of this jealousy and mental uneasiness unreservedly when Umm Salamah, Zaynab and other ladies found their way into the Prophet's house, and she most openly expressed her violent ardor concerning futile thoughts especially about the nights when the Prophet left the house for his nightly devotions.

In dark nights when there prevailed deep silence and tranquility the Prophet was usually engaged in communion with his God, and thus he spent certain of the nights in privacy and devotion. As the Prophet spent each night turn by turn, in the house of one of his consorts, those acts of devotion compelled him to spend some hours of each night outdoors in the mosque or al-Baqi' Cemetery. Consequently, in the nights when he was to be with 'A'ishah, as soon as he left the house for his usual devotion, her womanly jealousy was so roused as to follow him and see where he went and what he did. She herself gives an account of these nightly pursuits on various occasions. 40. The reason why we began the discussion of 'A'ishah's life with her mode of living in her husband's house is because we had no access to the account of her life in her father's house. We know only that she was wedded at the age of nine. Refer to Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/94.

Nightly pursuits

She says: "One night I noticed that he was not in his bed. Uneasy thoughts so disturbed my mind as to fancy that he was visiting another of his wives. So I got up to find Out where he had gone. Suddenly I found him prostrating in the mosque, praying: 'O God! Forgive me.' "41 Elsewhere she says: "One night I noticed the Prophet was not in his bed. I said to myself he must have gone to one of his other wives. I listened and then searched for him to find him in genuflection before God."42

She further says: "On another night he was not in bed, and I got up to locate him, and in that darkness I felt my way here and there when suddenly my hand touched the sole of his feet. He had prostrated himself praying."43 Elsewhere she says: "One night when he was scheduled to be in my house, he took off his cloak and put it aside. Then he removed his shoes and placed Them near his bed Then he pulled one side of his garment over his face and lay down, remaining in that position for some time, so that I thought he had gone to sleep. Then he got up, put on his cloak and shoes quietly, opened the door, went out and quietly closed the door. I rose at once, got dressed, put on my veil and cloak and hurriedly left the house to follow him, and found him in the al- Baqi' cemetery. He stood there for a long time. Then he lifted his arms three times and left for home. I, too, returned. He made haste and so did I. He increased his pace and so did I. Then he began to run and so did I.

At last I got home before him, and managed to throw myself on the bed and lie down. I was panting when he entered and he asked me: 'Why are you panting so hard 'A'ishah?' I said: 'It's nothing.' He said: 'Will you tell me yourself, or will Omniscient God inform me of it?' I told him what had taken place. Then he said: 'That dark figure I saw was you then?' I said 'Yes', and then he slapped me so hard on the back that it pained me. He said: 'Did you think that God and His prophet are unjust to you?' "44

She further notes: "One night the Prophet went out of my house. I felt very jealous and uneasy. When he came back and saw my discomfort, he asked the reason, saying: 'What has happened, 'A'ishah? Do you feel jealous and uneasy again?' I said: 'Why should a person like me no t be jealous of a man like you?' He said: 'You are again captivated by your devil.' "45 She says also: "When some hours of the night passed, the Prophet rose and went out. I thought he had gone to visit one of his other wives. I rose and followed him quietly, until he reached the cemetery. He stood there and addressing the believers, who had gone to eternal sleep there, said: 'Salutation 41. Musnad of Ahmad 6/147.

  1. Musnad of Ahmad 6/151.

  2. Musnad of Ahmad 6/58 and 6/201.

  3. Musnad of Ahmad 6/221, narrated by Qays ibn Mukhramah ibn al-Muttalib.

  4. Musnad of Ahmad, narrated by 'Urwah ibn az-Zubayr 6/115.

to you, O group of believers!' He turned round suddenly and noticed me behind him, and said: 'Woe upon her! What would she not do if she could!' "46

'A'ishah and other wives of the Prophet Encounters and reactions

'A'ishah's jealousy, womanly envy and hot temper have been observed in various ways, some examples of which are seen in her mental reaction in breaking the dishes and throwing away the food of other ladies of the Prophet, and in her behavior towards them. We will discuss these two points separately. At first we will describe her reaction to the dishes the other ladies prepared for the Prophet, and then deal with her violent encounters with his consorts.


When I saw the slave-girl carrying the food, I trembled. So that I lost my head and seizing the dish, I threw it away.

'A'ishah It sometimes happened that while the Prophet was in 'A'ishah's house, one of his other consorts prepared some food and sent it for him. On such occasions, 'A'ishah lost self-control and showed her anger at this with a violent reaction. Here are some examples of these reactions:

'A'ishah and Umm Salamah's dish

One day when the Prophet was in 'A'ishah's house, Umm Salamah sent him a dish prepared by her. 'A'ishah who had been aware of such pleasing acts of Umm Salamah, arrived at that very moment dressed in her cloak and holding a stone in her hand. She threw the stone at the dish and broke it. The Prophet observing this act, sent a dish of 'A'ishah back to Umm Salamah to compensate for the broken dish.47 'A'ishah and Hafsah's dish

'A'ishah says: "I had prepared some food for the Prophet when I learnt that Hafsah had done the same. I ordered my slave-girl to be on the alert and if Hafsah sent him a dish prior to mine, she (the slave-girl) should take it and throw it away. She did as she was told thus breaking Hafsah's plate, and throwing the food on the leather tablecloth. The Prophet gathered the remnants 46. Musnad of Ahmad 6/76 and 111 narrated by al-Qasim, and Musnad of at-Tayalasi, tradition 1429.

  1. Sahih Muslim, Chapter on Jealousy.

and said to me: 'Send one of your plates to Hafsah for the broken dish.' "48

'A'ishah and Safiyah's dish

We have already spoken of Safiyah earlier in this book, and now we hear 'A'ishah's account of breaking Safiyah's dish and throwing away the food. She says: "One day when the Prophet was in my house, Safiyah sent him a dish she had prepared. When I noticed the slave-girl is carrying the dish, I trembled, lost my head and seizing the plate threw the food away. I observed the Prophet staring at me and noticed signs of anger and dislike on his face. So I said: 'I seek refuge with God at His prophet's rage and hope that you will not curse me.' He said 'Repeat it'. I said: 'How can I make amends for my deed?' He answered: 'Prepare a food like hers, find a plate like hers and send them to her.' "49


'A'ishah was very jealous of her husband so that she was not prepared to see another woman find a place in his heart.

The author

It is now time to describe 'A'ishah's sharp encounters and clashes with the other wives of the Prophet. 'A'ishah and Safiyah In a domestic encounter 'A'ishah and Safiyah severely abused and insulted one another. When the Prophet learnt of the incident, he said to Safiyah who had been deeply hurt at 'A'ishah's insults and boasts: "Why did you not tell her that your father is Aaron and your Uncle Moses?"50 'A'ishah says: "I told the Prophet of Safiyah's misconduct and called her names. The Prophet said: 'You have used about Safiyah such words whose pollution contaminates a sea.' "51

Safiyah says: "I was weeping when the Prophet entered and on seeing my lamentation, he said: 'O daughter of Huyay, why are you weeping?' She said: 'I have heard that 'A'ishah and Hafsah have slandered me.' "52 'A'ishah and Sudah

The quarrel and assault of 'A'ishah with Sudah happened as follows: One day

  1. Musnad of Ahmad 6/111, Kanz al-'ummal 3/44 and 4/44 and Tradition 983 of the book Shama'il.

  2. Musnad of Ahmad 6/144 and 277, an-Nisa'i 2/148 and 159 and marginal note on as-Sirat al-halabiyah 283- 284.

  3. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/127.

  4. at-Tirmidhi in al-Ijabah p. 73 according to az-Zarkashi.

  5. al-Mustadrak 'ala as-Sahihayn 4/29 and also in its summary.

'A'ishah heard Sudah murmuring a poem meaning: " 'Adi and Taym (two tribes) are trying to find allies for themselves." 'A'ishah lost her temper and turning to Hafsah, daughter of 'Umar, said: "Sudah is trying to mock you and me allusively. I will retaliate this insolence. When you see me grappling with her, come to my aid."53 Then she rose and attacked Sudah with fist and kicks. Hafsah, too, joined in as preplanned. Umm Salamah, too, who was watching the scene, came to the aid of Sudah. Thus, these four women caused much noise and disturbance, and when the Prophet heard of it, he came and addressed them in these words: "Woe upon you! What do you think you are doing?" 'A'ishah said: "O Prophet! Didn't you hear Sudah saying that 'Adi and Taym are seeking allies?" The Prophet said: "Woe upon you! This poem refers neither to your Taym nor to her 'Adi, but she means the 'Adi and Taym of Banu Tamim tribes."

'A'ishah and dowryless women

'A'ishah says: My blood boiled upon observing the women who freely and without expectation of dowry offered themselves in marriage to the Prophet, and I said in anger and hatred: "Could a noble woman of character offer herself?" When the following verse descended:

"You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you had separated provisionally; no blame attaches to you." 54 I turned to the Prophet and said: "I see that God, too, approves of your heart- felt wishes"55 Ibn Sa'd speaks in detail in his book "Tabaqat" about the ladies who offered themselves in marriage without expecting a dowry, and says that the above verse refers especially to Umm Sharik Ghaziyah.56 and Ibn Hajar speaks of the same matter elaborately in his book "al-Isabah".57

But there is a difference of opinion among the scholars about the name of the woman referred to in the above verse, claiming that the number of such ladies who offered themselves freely in marriage to the Prophet and were thus subjected to the unkindness and jealousy, and probably anger and hatred of 'A'ishah was more than one, even though the verse has descended about one person only, and unfortunately the said lady has not been truly recognized yet. But the reason as to why there have been more than one such women is that 'A'ishah refers to them in the plural, saying: "I... upon observing the women who freely and without expectation of dowry... in marriage..."

  1. As we have said, 'A'ishah belonged to the tribe of Taym and Hafsah was of the 'Adi al-Qarashi tribe, both of which came from the great Quraysh tribe.

  2. The Holy Qur'an, Chapter al-Ahzab, Verse 51.

  3. Sahih al-Bukhari in his commentary on Chapter al-Ahzab 3/118, and Sahih Muslim 4/374, and 'A'ishah's words.

  4. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/154-156.

  5. al-Isabah of Ibn Hajar 4/362, 784 and 1347.

Ahmad, in his "Musnad", speaks of this same subject in the plural, attributing it to 'A'ishah and says: " 'A'ishah reproached the women who desired marriage with the Prophet without a dowry and offered themselves to him."58 Muslim in his Sahih narrates quoting Hisham: Khulah, daughter of Hakim, was one of the women who proposed marriage to the Prophet without a dowry and offered herself. Hearing of it, 'A'ishah felt very uneasy and said: "Is it not shameful for a woman to offer herself to a man and propose marriage with him without a dowry?"59

'A'ishah with Malikah

After the capture of Mecca, the Prophet wedded Malikah, daughter of Ka'b who had been killed by Khalid ibn al-Walid in that battle. She is said to have been a very beautiful and attractive woman who greatly roused 'A'ishah's anger and hatred with this marriage. 'A'ishah, with her opportunist character and unruly womanly temper, went to Malikah and said: "Are you not ashamed to be the wife of the killer of your father?" This reproach by 'A'ishah was enough to deceive Malikah and she avoided the Prophet, and so he divorced her. Her kins came to him, saying: "She is too young and has been deceived, and her reaction in this matter has not been of her own accord. So forgive and take her back." But the Prophet did not agree.60 'A'ishah with Asma'

Asma', daughter of an-Nu'man of Kindah tribe, was one of the women envied by 'A'ishah. The Prophet wedded Asma', and 'A'ishah showing her sensitivity and bringing a pretext on Asma' being a stranger said sarcastically: "Now it is strangers' turn and they will soon seize him from us for themselves."

A group of envoys of the Kindah tribe came to the Prophet, among whom was an-Nu'man, Asma''s father, and the Prophet proposed marriage with her. When the Prophet's wives saw her, they envied her and to bring disfavor upon her they resorted to trickery and said to her: "If you wish to have a happy life, when the Prophet comes to you, say to him: 'I take refuge with God from you.' " Asma' was easily deceived and did as she was told. The Prophet said: "Anyone who takes refuge with God will be secure. So you can go back to your house!" And he angrily went out.61

  1. Musnad of Ahmad 6/134, 198 and 261, Ibn Hisham 4/325, Sahih al-Bukhari 3/164, al-Isti'ab 2/782, al- Muhbar 411, Jam' bayn rijal as-sahihayn 610, Jawami' as-Sirah 312, 322, Traditions of Ibn Majah, Traditions of an-Nisa'i 2/68.

  2. Sahih Muslim 3/164.

  3. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/148, History of adh-Dhahabi 1/335, History of Ibn Kathir 5/299, al-Isabah 4/392, al- Ijabah 1/458.

61.Refer to Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/145, al-Muhbar 94 and History of al-Ya'qubi, describing the Prophet's wives.

Hamzah, son of Abu Usayd as-Sa'idi,62 quotes his father's account of Asma', saying: The Prophet wedded Asma', daughter of an-Nu'man from the Kindah and Jawn tribe, and sent me to fetch her. Upon her arrival, 'A'ishah and Hafsah arranged that one of them should dye Asma''s hair and the other should comb it Meanwhile one of them said to Asma': "The Prophet likes the ladies who use the phrase 'I take refuge with God from you.' And if you wish to be endeared by him, repeat this phrase." When the Prophet came, Asma' repeated the phrase she had been taught. On hearing those words, the Prophet covered his face with his sleeve and said three times: "So you have taken refuge with the asylum!" Then he left the room and said to me: "Abu Usayd! Take her back to her family and offer her two full pieces of canvas cloth."

Asma', who was shocked at this occurrence and extremely unhappy at being so tricked, always spoke sadly and regretfully of that incident and said: "Do not call me Asma' any longer. Call me the unhappy one."63 These stories show that the ladies, who were tricked by 'A'ishah to use the above phrase upon encountering the Prophet, were more than one.

'A'ishah with Mariyah

In the seventh year after Hijrah, al-Maquqis64, governor of Alexandria sent Mariyah and her sister, Shirin, as a gift to the Prophet. They were accompanied by their very old brother Mabur and Hatib,65 son of Abu Balta'ah, along with a present of five thousand grams of gold, and twenty suits of fine silk and also his famous mule, Duldul, and his personal donkey, 'Afir. On the way, Hatib encouraged Mariyah and her sister to embrace Islam and they accepted this invitation. But Mabur maintained his creed until he arrived at Medina and met the Prophet.

The Prophet kept Mariyah for himself and settled her in a house in the al- 'Aliyah quarter,66 which is known as Mashrabah Umm Ibrahim today. She was made to wear a veil and was married to him. She became pregnant and gave birth to a boy named Ibrahim in the same house, and Salma,67 the Prophet's slave-girl acted as midwife and Abu Rafi', her husband, brought the news to 62. Abu Usayd as-Sa'idi was a companion of the Prophet and took part in the battle of Badr with him. 63. Dhayl al-madhyal of Tabari 13/79, al-Mustadrak of al-Hakim 7/34, al-Isti'ab 2/703, al-Isabah 3/530, 4/27 and 298, al-Muhbar 95 who adds: "Eventually Asma' died of grief."

  1. al-Maquqis was the title of this governor, in the same way that the tile of the ruler of Egypt was Pharaoh, that of Rome, Caesar, that of Abyssinia, Najashi, and that of Iran, Kasra.

  2. Hatib's name was 'Umar, son of 'Umayr, nicknamed 'Abd Allah, of the Lakhm tribe. In the sixth year after Hijrah the Prophet sent him as envoy to al-Maquqis, and this governor sent the above-mentioned gifts to the Prophet. Hatib died in Medina in the year 30 after Hijrah and 'Uthman performed his burial prayer. Refer to Usd al-ghabah from 351-362 of al-Isabah, translation No. 1538, and al-Isti'ab 534.

  3. The upper section of Medina was called 'Aliyah where there were houses belonging to the Banu an-Nadir tribe and these were then possessed by the Prophet.

  4. Salma was the slave-girl of Safiyah, consort of the Prophet. She was present in the battle of Khaybar and also acted as midwife to Fatimah, the Prophet's daughter. She also took part in the ceremonial ablution of Fatimah.

the Prophet and received a reward.68 Ibrahim's birth occurred in the eighth year after Hijrah, and the group of Ansars who were overjoyed at the birth of this son of the Prophet, did their best to help Mariyah and provide all she needed. They tried to make her housework light, so that she could take a greater care of the Prophet, since they were aware of his affection for her.

Thus when the other wives of the Prophet were informed of Ibrahim's birth, they became very envious of Mariyah and lodged increasing complaints, but none of them showed as much jealousy as 'A'ishah.69

'A'ishah tells this story

"I have never been so jealous of any woman as I have of Mariyah. She was very beautiful, had curly hair and was deeply loved by the Prophet. At first he settled her in the house of Harithah, son of an-Nu'man70, and when we noticed the Prophet's affection for her we began to treat her badly, and at last she was so vexed that she complained to him, and he settled her in the al-'Aliyah quarter and visited her there. We could not bear it, and our jealousy was roused very intensely when God granted Mariyah a son whereas we were deprived of having one.71

After the birth of Ibrahim, one day the Prophet brought him to us and said: "See how he resembles me!" I said: "No, he doesn't resemble you at all." He said: "Don't you see that his whiteness and body resemble mine?" She said: "Naturally, anyone who is given sheep milk, will grow white and fat."72 It was as a result of such jealousies of 'A'ishah that the chapter at-Tahrim (Prohibition) of the Qur'an descended.73

According to reliable came to Mariyah in Hafsah's house, and when Hafsah learnt of it, she was hurt and began to complain of the Prophet's conduct, and this went on to such an extent that the Prophet was forced to forbid himself of contact with Mariyah so as to console Hafsah. But in return, he asked Hafsah not to divulge this matter to anyone, and keep to herself this secret as well as other secrets he had told her.

But, despite all the commands of the Prophet, she disregarded his instruction and divulged his secret to 'A'ishah to join her in her machinations. Their 68. Abu Rafi' was the freed slave of the Prophet about whose name there are different views. His name was probably Aslam and the Prophet married him to Salma. He had taken part in the battle of al-Khandaq and also in later battles. He died either before 'Uthman's death or in the caliphate of Imam 'Ali. Refer to al-Isti'ab 152 and Usd al-ghabah 1/77 about this couple.

  1. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd, story of Ibrahim, son of the Prophet 1/134.

  2. Harithah was of the Banu Najjar tribe. He took part in the battle of Badr and subsequent battles, and died in the caliphate of Mu'awiyah. Refer to Usd al-ghabah 1/358-359, and al-Isabah 1/1532.

  3. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd 8/212, al-Isabah Ibn Hajar on the life of Mariyah.

  4. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd, translation of Ibrahim son of the Prophet 1/37.

  5. This section down to the end of Chapter at-Tahrim, as we have said in the introduction, is not in the original text and has been added to it. (Sardar-Niya)

intrigue and misbehavior went on to such an extent that chapter at-Tahrim descended for admonishing them and revealing their acts.74 Chapter at-Tahrim (Prohibition)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful 1-O Prophet! Why do you forbid yourself that which Allah has made lawful for you; you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 2-Allah indeed has sanctioned for you the expiation of your oaths and Allah is your Protector and He is the Knowing, the Wise.

3-And when the Prophet secretly communicated a piece of information to one of his wives-but when she informed others of it, and Allah made him to know it, he made known part of it and avoided part; so when he informed her of it, she said: Who informed you of this? He said: The Knowing, the One Aware, informed me.

4-If you both turn to Allah, then indeed your hearts are already inclined to this; and if you back up each other against him then surely Allah it is Who is his Guardian, and Gabriel and the believers that do good, and the angels after that are the aiders.

5-Maybe, his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your place wives better than you, submissive, faithful, obedient, penitent, adorers, fasters, widows and virgins.

6-O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones; over it are angels stern and strong, they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, and do as they are commanded. 7-O you who disbelieve! Do not urge excuses today; you shall be rewarded only according to what you did.

8-O you who believe! Turn to Allah a sincere turning; maybe your Lord will remove from you your evil and cause you to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, on the day on which Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him; their light shall run on before them and on their right hands; they shall say: Our Lord! Make perfect for us our light, and grant us protection, surely Thou has power over all things.

9-O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard against them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the resort. 10-Allah sets forth an example to those who disbelieve the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut: they were both under two of Our righteous servants, but they acted treacherously towards them so they availed them naught against Allah, and it was said: Enter both the fire with those who enter.

  1. Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd, printed in Europe, 8/134, 135, 138 and 154.

11-And Allah sets forth an example to those who believe the wife of Pharaoh when she said: My Lord! build for me a house with Thee in the garden and deliver me from Pharaoh and his doing, and deliver me from the unjust people.

12-And Mary, the daughter of Imran, who guarded against her chastity, so We breathed into her of Our inspiration and she accepted the truth of the words of her Lord and His books, and she was of the obedient ones.

Quranic Chapter "at-Tahrim" was descended about 'A'ishah, daughter of Abu Bakr, and Hafsah, daughter of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, and this fact is confirmed by tens of traditions which have come through Ibn 'Abbas, the Prophet's cousin, and 'Umar the second caliph.75 When we discuss the Traditions of 'A'ishah, we will speak in detail about them.

'A'ishah and memoirs of Khadijah

Although I had not seen Khadijah, levied none of the Prophet's wives as much as I envied Khadijah.

'A'ishah Umm al-Mu'minin 'A'ishah says: "The reason for my jealousy towards Khadijah was that he often spoke of her and praised her, especially as God had informed him through revelation that a very magnificent palace had been granted to her in heaven."76 She further says: Although I had never seen Khadijah, none of the Prophet's wives were envied by me as much as she was, for, the Prophet often spoke praising of her, and he frequently sacrificed a sheep in her name, cutting it up and distributing it in her name.77

She also narrates:

"One day Halah, daughter of Khuwaylad, Khadijah's sister, asked the Prophet to see him. When he heard her voice, he seemed suddenly to remember Khadijah and was deeply moved, and said: 'O God, it is Halah!' My jealousy was so roused towards Khadijah that I said at once: 'Why do you speak so much of that toothless Qurayshi old woman? She has been dead long ago and God has granted you someone better than her!' "78 In another narration, she says:

"After this protest, he frowned and was so moved the like of which I had

  1. Sahih al-Bukhari, printed in Egypt (year 1957-8) Vol. 3, p.137 in the commentary on chapter at-Tahrim, the book of Fad'il al-Qur'an Vol. 3, P.138, Bab maw'izat al-rijal Vol. 3, p. 147, the book al-Mazalim Vol. 4, p.47, Sahih Muslim, Bab ar-rida' 1/579-580, Sahih at-Tirmidhi 2/409 printed in India and commentary on this chapter in at-Tabari's commentary, ad-Durr al-manthur of as-Suyuti etc.

  2. al-Bukhari 2/277.

  3. al-Bukhari 2/210.

  4. A separate book is needed to describe the life, noble qualities, self-sacrifices and virtues of Khadijah, the first lady of early Islam. Readers may refer to the books Tabaqat of Ibn Sa'd, al-Isti'ab, Usd al-ghabah, al-Isabah and other sources.

only seen at the moments he received a revelation, waiting anxiously either for a heavenly message to descend to him or punishment!"79 In another narration she notes:

"In that condition, the Prophet said: 'No, God has never given me one better than her for at a time when everyone negated my mission, it was Khadijah who believed in me; and at a time when they took me as a liar, it was Khadijah who confirmed my truthfulness; and at a time when the people had left me in straitened circumstances, it was Khadijah who made me share her immense wealth; and when God had given me no child from other women, it was Khadijah who brought me offspring's.' "80

The Prophet always spoke well of Khadijah and kept alive her memory through the reminiscences about her generosity and benevolence towards his relatives and friends, and giving priority to them. It was these matters that filled 'A'ishah with jealousy and hatred towards Khadijah, and made her protest frequently to the Prophet for mentioning her name and repeating his reminiscences. Moreover, what was worse is the promises she heard the Prophet utter about Khadijah, maddened her with envy, while she herself received only reproaches. Consequently this resulted in greatly straining her relations with Fatimah, the daughter of Khadijah, her husband and his children who were greatly liked by him.

One example of this is observed in a story narrated by Ahmad in this Musnad quoting an-Nu'man son of Bashir. He writes: One day Abu Bakr intended to see the Prophet, and at the same moment he heard 'A'ishah's shouting: "I swear to God I know well that you love 'Ali more than me and my father."

'Ali ibn Abi Talib speaks as follows about 'A'ishah's enmity towards him- self: "...'But she has totally disregarded intelligence and wisdom, and her heart is inflamed with the sparks of rancor and enmity towards me like the furnace of blacksmiths. If she were asked to act towards others what she has done to me, she would never agree.' The Imam concludes his remark by saying: 'Nevertheless, the respect due to her is intact, and God will be the judge to her deeds. He can forgive or punish anyone He pleases.' "