The Victory of Truth: The Life of Zaynab bint Ali


The following ziyarat (verbal salutation) for Bibi Zaynab [a.s.] is traditionally recited to obtain divine blessing while visiting her shrine (in this case, in Damascus, Syria).

It can also be recited at any other time in remembrance of the example of courage and submission that she presented to the world, particularly on the acknowledged days of her birth, death, and during the month of Muharram. 

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

السلام عليكِ يا بنت سلطان الأنبياء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the Prophets.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت صاحب الحوض واللواء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the owner of the (Heavenly) Pond and the Standard.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من عرج به إلى السماء ووصل إلى مقام قاب قوسين أو أدنى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who was taken to the skies and who reached the position of the length of two arrows or even closer.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت نبي الهدى وسيد الورى ومنقذ العباد من الردى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Prophet of right guidance, the master of (all) human beings, and the savior of the servants (of Allah) from being destroyed.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت صاحب الخلق العظيم والآيات والذكر الحكيم

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the one who has conformed (himself) to sublime morality, enjoyed the broad honor, and owned the (Heavenly) Signs and the Wise Remembrance of Allah (i.e. the Holy Quran).

السلام عليكِ يا بنت صاحب المقام المحمود والحوض المورود واللواء المشهود

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the owner of the Lofty Position, the Pond from which people shall drink (on the Resurrection Day), and the Standard, which shall be witnessed by everybody.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت منهج دين الإسلام وصاحب القبلة والقرآن وعلم الصدق والحق والإحسان

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Path of Islam and the one given the qiblah and the Quran, and the example of honesty, right, and benevolence.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت صفوة الأنبياء وعلم الأتقياء ومشهور الذكر في الأرض والسماء، ورحمة الله وبركاته.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the choice of the Prophets, the example of the pious ones, and the well known in both the earth and the heavens.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت خير خلق الله، وسيد خلقه وأول العدد قبل إيجاد أرضه وسماواته، وآخر الأبد بعد فناء الدنيا وأهلها، ورحمة الله وبركاته.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the best of

Allah's creation, the master of His creatures, the foremost created individual before the existence of (Allah's) earth and heavens, the last of the existent ones (who shall endure) after the extinction of this world and its beings, and the one whose soul is a copy of the Divinity and whose heart is the treasury of the Eternal, Subsistent God.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت إمام الأتقياء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the God-fearing ones.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت عماد الأصفياء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the support of the choice ones.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت يعسوب الدين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the Religion.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت أمير المؤمنين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the commander of the faithful ones.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت قائد البررة

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the leader of the pious ones.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت قامع الكفرة والفجرة

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the preventer of the infidels and the wantons.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت وارث النبيين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the inheritor of the Prophets.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت خليفة سيد المرسلين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the successor of the Apostles' chief.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت النبأ العظيم على اليقين

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the Great News (as it is certainly proved).

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من حساب الناس عليه، والكوثر في يديه، والنص يوم الغدير عليه ورحمة الله وبركاته

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O daughter of the one to whom the mission of settling accounts with people (on the Resurrection Day) is given, between whose hands the Heavenly Pond (of al-Kawthar) is put, and whom is intended by the (Prophet's) Statement of the Ghadir Day.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من قاد زمام ناقتها جبرائيل، وشاركها في مصابها إسرافيل، وغضب بسببها الربُّ الجليل، وبكى لمصابها إبراهيم الخليل، ونوحٌ وموسى الكليم في كربلاء، ورحمة الله وبركاته.

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the lady whose she-camel was driven by (Archangel) Gabriel, and whose misfortune (of Imam al-Husayn's being slain in Karbala) was shared by (Archangel) Israfil, and due to whose anger the All-exalted Lord was angry, and for whose misfortune of Karbala, (the Prophets) Abraham the Friend of Allah, Noah, and Moses the Spoken by Allah wept.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت البدور السواطع

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the shining full moons.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت زمزم والصفا

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Well Zamzam and Safa (of the landmarks of Mecca)

السلام عليكِ يا بنت مكة ومنى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Mecca and Mina –a height in Mecca-.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من حُمل على البراق في الهواء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him whom was carried by Buraq to the heavens.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من حمل الزكاة بأطراف الرداء وبذله على الفقراء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him who carried the zakat (almsgiving) by the margins of his dress to give it to the paupers.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت من أسرى به الله من المسجد الحرام إلى المسجد الأقصى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of him whom was taken by night from the Inviolable Masjid to the Farthest Masjid.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت محمدٍ المصطفى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Muhammad al-Mustafa (the Selected by God)

السلام عليكِ يا بنت علي المرتضى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Ali al-Murtada (the Pleased one)

السلام عليكِ يا بنت فاطمة الزهراء

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Fatimah al-Zahraa (the Resplendent).

السلام عليكِ يا بنت خديجة الكبرى

Peace be upon you, O daughter of Khadijah al-Kubra (the Grand)

السلام عليكِ وعلى جدك المختار

Peace be upon you and upon your grandfather, Muhammad al-Mukhtar (the Chosen.)

السلام عليكِ وعلى أبيك حيدر الكرار

Peace be upon you and upon your father, Haydar al-Karrar (the Attacking.)

السلام عليكِ وعلى السادات الأطهار الأخيار وهم حجج الله على الأقطار ساداتُ الأرض والسماء من ولد أخيك الحسين، الشهيد العطشان الظمآن، وهو أبو التسعة الأطهار، وهم حجج الله من طرق الشرق والغرب من الليل والنهار، الذين حبهم فرضٌ على أعناق كل الخلائق

Peace be upon you and upon the pure, choice masters who are the Arguments of Allah on lands, the chiefs of the earth and the heavens your nephews from your brother Hussain the Martyr and thirsty, the father of the nine Alat-har (leaders) who are arguments of the God of the East-West routes of night and day, and love for whom is a prescription that is incumbent upon all creatures.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت ولي الله الأعظم

Peace be upon you, O daughter of the glorified, holy servant of Allah.

السلام عليكِ يا بنت ولي الله المكرم

Peace be upon you, O daughter of dignified, holy servant of Allah

السلام عليكِ يا أخت ولي الله المعظم

Peace be upon you, O sister of dignified, holy servant of Allah.

السلام عليكِ يا أم المصائب زينب ورحمةُ الله وبركاته.

Peace and Allah's Mercy and Blessings be upon you, O mother of misfortunes; Zaynab.